Powderworks Lane, Melling, Merseyside, L31 1AU
0151 525 0004
Heavy Duty Pent Shed
Heavy duty tongue and groove pent shed, with extra thick frame.
Pent Style Roof
Choice Of Door Positions
Door Width 30"
Windows (Arched) 24" X 18"
12mm Shiplap T&G Cladding
75mm X 50mm Framework
Hasp & Staples For Extra Security
40kg Green Mineral Felt
Autumn Gold Preservative Coated To Exterior And Interior
Free Merseyside Delivery And Erection
6x4 | £559 | 6x5 | £599 | 7x5 | £659 |
8x5 | £759 | 8x6 | £799 | 8x8 | £999 |
10x10 | £1299 | 12x6 | £1199 | 12x10 | £1499 | 12x8 | £1299 | 12x10 | £1499 | 10x8 | £1099 |
Please note: Floor sizes are 4" shorter eg. 8'x6' floor would be 92"x68"